This here talkin’ ’bout that fancy watch, you know, the Rolex Submariner, the green one. Lots of folks want one, but they ain’t cheap, no sir. So some folks, they go and make them fake ones. Tryna fool ya. This here’s gonna tell ya how to spot them fakes.
Now, I ain’t no fancy watch expert. But I’ve seen a thing or two. And I know that them real Rolex watches, they’re made good. Real good. Solid like a brick outhouse. Them fake ones? Not so much.
First thing you gotta do is look real close. That’s right, get your nose right up in there. A real Rolex Submariner green, it’s all smooth and perfect like. No rough edges. Them fake ones, sometimes they got little bumps and scratches. ‘Cause they ain’t made with the same stuff as the real ones, see?
- Real Rolex, heavy.
- Fake Rolex, light like a feather.
- Real one, numbers clear as day.
- Fake one, numbers all fuzzy.
And the weight! A real Rolex, it’s heavy. You feel it on your wrist. Like you’re wearin’ somethin’ important. Them fake ones, they’re light. Like a plastic toy you get at the five-and-dime. That’s a big giveaway right there.
Then there’s the tickin’. A real Rolex Submariner, it don’t tick loud. It’s smooth, like a cat purrin’. Them fake ones, sometimes they tick real loud. Like a cheap alarm clock. You can hear ’em from across the room. That’s ’cause the insides ain’t the same.
The numbers, too. On a real Rolex, them numbers are perfect. Sharp and clear. Easy to read, even if your eyesight ain’t what it used to be. Them fake ones, the numbers might be blurry. Or crooked. Or just plain wrong. They try, but they just can’t get it right.
High imitation Rolex Submariner green, they try to look real. Most of them, over 95%, look pretty good. Hard to tell for most folks. But there’s always somethin’ a little off. A little somethin’ that just ain’t right.
And the price. Oh boy, the price. A real Rolex Submariner, that’s gonna cost ya. A lot. More than a used car. Them fake ones? They’re cheap. Real cheap. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. That’s what my old pa used to say.
So you gotta be careful. If you’re gonna spend your hard-earned money on a fancy watch, you want to make sure it’s the real deal. Don’t be fooled by them high imitation Rolex watches. They might look good from far away, but up close, they just ain’t the same.
You gotta look at the details. The weight, the tickin’, the numbers, the price. All them little things add up. And if somethin’ don’t feel right, it probably ain’t. Trust your gut, as they say.
Now, some folks, they don’t care if it’s real or fake. They just want the look. And that’s fine, I guess. But if you’re payin’ for a real Rolex, you better make darn sure you’re gettin’ a real Rolex. Don’t let them crooks fool ya.
That green Rolex Submariner, it’s a nice watch. I’ll give it that. But a fake one? It ain’t worth the metal it’s made of. And that ain’t sayin’ much, ’cause like I said, it ain’t made of much.
Best thing to do is buy from someone you trust. Someone who knows about watches. Someone who wouldn’t sell you a bill of goods. Otherwise, you might end up with a high imitation Rolex Submariner green that ain’t worth a hill of beans.
It’s like buyin’ a pig in a poke. You don’t know what you’re gettin’ until you open it up. And by then, it’s too late. So be smart. Be careful. And don’t get fooled by them fake Rolex watches. They ain’t nothin’ but trouble.
This here is your ultimate guide to tell the fake one from the real one. Don’t be fooled. You don’t want to buy something that looks good but ain’t worth nothing. It is just a waste of your money.
So, if you are looking for a Rolex Submariner green, just be careful. Look closely and don’t rush to buy. It is not cheap, you want to make sure you get what you want. The real one, not a fake one.